
04.06.11 · Giving ain't easy - Brian Tarran - Research Magazine It’s been a fairly slow start for Pause to Support a Cause, the CMO Council initiative to drive charitable giving through surveys. It launched with much fanfare 18 months ago – but is only now in a position to start fielding its first surveys. Go to article
04.04.11 · Cause Marketing News Headlines - - Cause Marketing Forum Companies that want to do good while gathering market research are being offered a new way to do that, thanks to the CMO Council and its Pause to Support a Cause. The council this week announced its partnership with online research community Opinions for Good in a cause marketing program that allows consumers to reward their favorite charities when they take part in market research surveys -- while adding new voices to consumer research.

"We often hear a great frustration from our brand marketers that their research comes from the same pool of people," says Liz Miller, VP-programs and operations at the CMO Council. "One of the big issues is how do we open up new demographics; how do we open up new opportunities to get new voices?"

Through Pause to Support a Cause, Miller says, "We're looking at multiple benefits to multiple constituencies."

With the cause-directed survey model, consumers can donate 25% to 100% of the payments they receive for participating in research to a nonprofit or charity. The effort already has more than 200 nonprofit groups signed up and hundreds of consumers registered. Go to article
04.04.11 · How Market Researchers Can Help Nonprofits - N/A - HispanicPRBlog CMO Council Partners With Op4G in Research Program to Benefit Charity Go to article
03.30.11 · How Market Researchers Can Help Nonprofits - Karen Egolf - Advertising Age CMO Council Partners With Op4G in Research Program to Benefit Charity. Go to article
03.28.11 · CMO Council partners with Op4G on research initiative - - BtoB Magazine The Chief Marketing Officer Council has partnered with research company Op4G on a corporate responsibility research initiative called “Pause to Support a Cause.” Go to article
03.28.11 · “PAUSE TO SUPPORT A CAUSE” CAMPAIGN LAUNCHES TODAY - - Value Network A Cause-Directed Marketing Research Model that Raises Funds for Non-Profits Worldwide. Go to article
12.01.10 · Shattering the Two-Way Mirror - Douglas Quenqua - MediaPost This article talks about how the reliability of focus groups has been questioned nearly as long as they have existed, but social media data mining is fast becoming a trusted way to learn what consumers think. Go to article
07.14.10 · Survey Said: Though Quick, Easy and Inexpensive, Online May Not Be the Number One Answer - Laura Garner - Virtual Butterfly Companies do not want to play games with their market research surveys. One wrong management decision based on inaccurate information could break a brand. Go to article
04.08.10 · Social media gets public service campaign out there - - Marketing Web This article announces the winner of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council's Pause to Support A Cause public service advertising contest. Go to article
04.07.10 · Leeza Gibbons and Eric Roberts Help Choose PSA Contest Winner - Myrlia Purcell - Look to the Stars This article explains how Leeza Gibbons and Eric Robert's helped to choose the winners of the Pause to Support a Cause video contest.
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04.05.10 · Marketing Daily: ‘Pause for Cause’ Picks Creative Contest Winners - N/A - Pro2Go Designs Blog This article summarizes the previous MediaPost article which announced the winners of the CMO Council's creative advertising contest. Go to article
04.05.10 · CMO Council Names 'Pause' Winners - Karen Egolf - Advertising Age The CMO Council has named the winners of its public-service advertising contest for its :Pause to Support a Cause" program.
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11.11.09 · CMO Council Seeks Consumer-Inspired Ad Creative to Power "Pause to ... - Amy - Chat Catcher Arttherapycast (Amy) arttherapycast: CMO Council Seeks Consumer-Inspired Ad Creative to Power "Pause to Support a ... Go to article
11.10.09 · CMO Council Launches PSA Contest - Karen Egolf - AdAge The CMO Council has launched a contest inviting creatives to produce PSAs for its Pause to Support a Cause program. This initiative donates money to charities based on individual participation in online market research funded by global companies. Go to article
11.09.09 · Pause to Support a Cause- Trip + Various Prizes - Vic - Film The Next Zooppa has teamed up with the CMO Council (Chief Marketing Officer) who have created an innovative fundraising program to help non-profits attract donations. It is being called Pause to Support a Cause and focuses on non-profits ... Go to article
11.09.09 · CMO Council Seeks Consumer-Inspired Ad Creative to Power “Pause to Support a Cause" - - MarySmith Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council to Team With Zooppa Social Network to Launch Global Creative Advertising Contest; Winners Can Document Charity Work in Africa, Meet Ad Leaders in New York and Showcase Portfolios to Global Marketers ...

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10.27.09 · Zooppa: Pause To Support – Trip to Africa – Over 18 y.o. – 60 Seconds - Andrea - Create video ads to be used as public service announcements by Pause to Support a Cause and the CMO Council to promote awareness of their campaign. The ads should be created with consumers around the world in mind, and explain why they ... Go to article
10.02.09 · Market research with a social mission - Peggy Connolly - Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship This article give a great explanation of the CMO Council's Pause to Support a Cause program. Gives details and reasons why this program was started, how it works and who will benefit in the long run. Go to article
09.25.09 · Survey For Good - Sandra Miniutti - CHARITY NAVIGATOR BLOG Pause to Support a Cause, an innovative new program created by the CMO Council, compensates consumers who take part in market research surveys by making a donation to the consumer's favorite charity. Charity Navigator is a partner in this program and also a charity eligible to receive funding. Go to article
09.23.09 · Pause to Support a Cause - - Evolving Choice Paying consumers for their opinions is not a new tactic, but market researchers are now proposing to give money to causes instead. Go to article
09.21.09 · How Good Do You Want To Be - Katherine Liew - THE NEW PHILANTHROPINIONIST I wish I DID have a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone complain that incentivized market research isn’t reliable (especially when it involves uni students and beer). Giving gifts for opinions can end up being an expensive business, but market researchers fronting up without some kind of bribe can find themselves going home with no answers at all. Enter Pause to Support a Cause. Go to article
09.16.09 · Tapping Into an Engaged Research Group While Adding Altruistic Appeal - Mila D'Antonio - 1to1 Media The CMO Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched an initiative yesterday that not only makes sound business sense, but it’s also socially beneficial. Go to article
09.16.09 · P&G, Ford back new CSR scheme - WARC Staff - World Advertising Research Center, brandsynario Procter & Gamble, The Hershey Company, Ford and MTV are among a range of major advertisers supporting a new initiative which aims to add a corporate social responsibility element to market research programs around the world. Go to article
09.16.09 · CMO Council launches fundraising campaign - - The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the US Chamber of Commerce and other non-profit organizations announced yesterday, Tuesday, 15 September 2009, a global business and public sector coalition to benefit charities through donations to causes on behalf of individuals participating in funded market research programs worldwide. Go to article
09.16.09 · Pause to Support a Cause - Lyric Burnett - My Lyrics of P.R. The "Pause to Support a Cause" initiative is a very attractive way for corporations to demonstrate social responsibility. I think this concept is brilliant because of the way the economy is right now. People do not feel as though they have the money to donate to non-profits, and with not strong incentive people will not take the time to complete a survey. The program is also a beneficial move for corporations to increase their feedback, and to have a socially responsible plan to show consumers. Go to article
09.16.09 · CMO Council and partners launch - Tonya Garcia - PRWeek The CMO Council along with partners including the US Chamber of Commerce and a number of nonprofit organizations have launched Pause to Support a Cause, a program that seeks to raise funds while also gathering market research for its collaborators. Go to article
09.15.09 · The Era of Rewarding Research - Edward G. Martin - GoodWorks - AdvertisingAge, Beyond the Numbers How do you get people to take surveys and aid in marketing research? Ed Martin of The Hershey Company explains how he has teamed with the CMO Council to introduce Pause to Support a Cause - a new campaign that will donate to causes for people who participate in research programs. Go to article
09.15.09 · Hershey exec inspires campaign to support nonprofits - Eric Veronikis - Central Penn Business Journal A Hershey Company executive has developed a cause that will redirect the millions of dollars corporations spend on consumer research and send it to thousands of nonprofits that need support. Go to article
09.14.09 · Accounts, People & Miscellany - Stuart Elliott - The New York Times A coalition led by the Chief Marketing Officer Council plans to introduce an initiative by which consumers who take part in market research surveys and studies can have donations made to causes on their behalf. Go to article
09.14.09 · Campaign seeks to boost charitable giving though surveys - Brian Tarran - research.

Pause to Support a Cause, an initiative of the CMO Council, boasts the support Farmers Insurance, Ford Motor Company, The Hershey Company and Ipsos in an effort to fund research and give to charities.

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09.14.09 · Putting wisdom of crowds to good work - Brian Tarran - research. Four years ago, clientside researcher Ed Martin set about developing a way to fund millions of dollars worth of charitable programs by tapping into the billions spent on market research each year. This week sees the launch of Pause to Support a Cause – an initiative he developed with the CMO Council to set up a research panel that would helped respondents donate to charity by participating in research studies. Go to article
09.14.09 · New Initiative Streamlines Research, Helps Charities - Karlene Lukovitz - MediaPost, USA Today, treehugger, adVANTAGE “Pause to Support a Cause”, a new initiative led by the CMO Council, offers companies a way to contribute to worthy causes while simultaneously assisting them in efficiently connecting with hard-to-reach consumer segments for marketing research.
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09.14.09 · Non-profits Benefit From New - CMO Council - MarketWatch, CMS, marketwire, EarthTimes, Fox Business, TMCnet, Alacra Store,, SILObreaker, msn Money, NEARSHORE Journal, EC Baby, WELT The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council leads a corporate initiative to raise funds for global charities by making contributions on behalf of individual respondents completing market research surveys, studies and feedback audits. Go to article
09.14.09 · Charity Initiative Promises Huge Panel - - The Market Research Industry Online By encouraging consumers to ‘survey the socially beneficial way’ individuals can direct ‘as much as 10 percent of the $18.9 billion spent on market research worldwide to thousands of non-profits’, by creating a global panel of millions of respondents giving their time to their favorite causes. Go to article
How It Works Giving… and receiving… has never been easier. See how your time, your market research or your charity can get involved.

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The first step in revolutionizing how we give, how we research, and how we accept assistance starts with registering with the Pause to Support a Cause program. Choose to get involved personally, request more information on how to become a corporate user of the Pause Research Panel, or register your charitable organization and start tapping into a broad audience of invested, philanthropic consumers looking to learn more about how to support causes that strike a chord. Register today Read more

Chief Marketing Officer Council

Pause to Support a Cause, a milestone CMO Council campaign, will enjoin global corporations and public sector partners in a new initiative to "survey the socially beneficial way" by "donating on behalf of those participating." Learn more about the CMO Council

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About the Program
Pause to Support a Cause will connect global corporations and public sector partners in a new initiative to "survey the socially beneficial way" by "donating on behalf of those participating" in funded market research programs around the world. More Read more

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